In the modern age of technology, at least 93%* of people spend 78% of their day in front of a computer. Whether it be for work, education, or gaming, we spend most of our lives staring at a single screen. Well, actually many of us PC users tend to look at two or more screen, but that’s the joy in having a tower set-up in your work/game space.
The question now is where does this leave laptop users? As a game of laptop superiority, the concept of lugging around a second super-sized, likely overpriced screen never made much sense.
Enter the DuoScreen:
The DuoScreen appears to be the best of all avenues when it comes to getting a second work/gaming screen for your laptop, but without breaking the bank. In addition, the team at Nomadz have gone out of their way to make sure the screen is cumbersome to the smallest degree possible.
One of the better aspects of this Kickstarter is the fact that the team is providing an actual timeline on their Kickstarter page; that way you know what you’re getting yourself into, should you choose to back it.
For more information on the DuoScreen, check out the ongoing Kickstarter which is sitting with 19 days remaining and nearly half of their $100,000 goal met.
* Percentages listed above are completely made up bullshit used for effect.